Flotation cell from xinhai in ore dressing plant

What Is the Complex Multi-Vein Fluorite Ore Beneficiation?

2022-06-27 XinHai Views (1215)

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As an important non-renewable resource, fluorite is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials, optics and other fields. With the continuous expansion of fluorite application fields in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the development and utilization of fluorite. Therefore, the development and utilization of complex multi-vein fluorite ores are also increasing. Complex multi-vein type fluorite ores include quartz-type fluorite, calcite-type fluorite, barite-type fluorite and sulfide mineral-type fluorite. The beneficiation process is generally based on flotation. You can learn about the beneficiation processes of these complex multi-vein type fluorite ores from the following.

01Quartz-type fluorite ore beneficiation process

Quartz-type fluorite is mainly composed of fluorite and quartz. Among them, the content of fluorite is about 85%, and it also contains a small amount of calcite, barite and sulfide, which is formed by the ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid filling the siliceous rock fracture along the formation and condensing.

Flotation cell produced by xinhai in ore dressing plant

The reduction of silicon in concentrates is the focus of this type of ore beneficiation. According to different demands, the requirements for silicon content are also different. In the beneficiation process, grinding is a factor that has a great influence on the quartz-type fluorite ore  flotation. Grinding can dissociate the quartz and fluorite monomers. Since most of quartz-type fluorite ores have conjoined bodies of quartz and fluorite, if the grinding particle size is too fine, the fluorite will be over crushed and the recovery rate will be affected. Therefore, the stage grinding process is generally used. This can not only reduce the silicon content of the concentrate product after fluorite flotation, but also increase the recovery rate of the fluorite concentrate. Using the process flow of stage grinding stage flotation, high-grade fluorite concentrate can be obtained after multiple selections.

02Calcite-type fluorite beneficiation process

Calcite-type fluorite mainly includes fluorite and calcite. Among them, the calcite content is generally higher than 30%. And the ore contains a small amount of quartz, which may form quartz-calcite-fluorite type ore. Both calcite and fluorite are calcium-containing minerals. Because of their similar physical and chemical properties, these minerals are difficult to separate by flotation in pulp.

Flotation cell unit is working for ore dressing

The pH of the ore pulp will have a great influence on the flotation index. In the selection of flotation reagents, fatty acid collectors can float calcite and fluorite together. However, it is necessary to adjust the pH value of the pulp to adjust the floatability difference between the two. Generally in the range of pH 8~9.5, both calcite and fluorite can float. But in weakly acidic medium, the floatability of calcite is lower than that of fluorite. In actual production, the appropriate chemical system and flotation conditions should be determined according to the specific ore properties through tests.

03Barite-type fluorite beneficiation process

Barite-type fluorite ore mainly contains barite and fluorite. The barite content is generally 10%-40%. There also contains pyrite, galena, sphalerite and other sulfide minerals. Barite has similar floatability to fluorite, making separation of the two minerals difficult.

raw ore for beneficiation

In the process of beneficiation, the process of mixed flotation is generally first passed. Sodium carbonate can adjust the pH value of the pulp, and oleic acid and water glass are used as collectors and inhibitors, respectively, to obtain a mixed concentrate of barite and fluorite. Then by flotation, barite or fluorite is inhibited, and another mineral is flotated.

04Sulfide ore type fluorite beneficiation process

Sulphite-type fluorite has a mineral composition similar to that of quartz-type fluorite minerals, with a higher metal sulfide content compared to it. The content of lead, zinc and other elements can even reach industrial grade. Therefore, the comprehensive recovery of various elements needs to be considered in the process of development and utilization of such ores.

working flotation cell designed by xinhai for sale

When classifying such ores, sulfide ore collectors are generally used to preferentially float metal sulfide minerals. Then fatty acid collectors sort the flotation tailings and recover the fluorite in them. In order to better extract valuable metals and decompose fluorite, processes such as roasting and leaching are also added to the sorting method. Produce high-quality fluorite products while recovering valuable metals.

The above are the sorting methods of four types of complex multi-vein type fluorite ores. Different fluorite ores have different components and properties, as well as different beneficiation methods. Therefore, Xinhai suggests that a scientific and reasonable mineral processing technology should be determined through mineral processing experiments to avoid economic loss and resource waste to the processing plant.

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