Building the New Card of “Made in China”, Xinhai Mining is on the Way!

Building the New Card of “Made in China”, Xinhai Mining is on the Way!

2019-02-12 XinHai Views (1489)

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During the 40 years of reform and opening up

Xinhai Mining has been constantly growing and improving

Wrote the new height of "Made in China"

Reviewing the past

We used four keywords

To introduce the 20 years of great changes of Xinhai Mining

Which also reflected the rise of China's manufacturing industry

Use the table of contents below to navigate through the guide:

01 Break

02 Strong

03 Expand

04 Wisdom


In the 1990s, the concept of "ore dressing EPC" was rarely heard in the domestic mining industry, the whole mining engineering project was still in a state of responsibility-divided. Rather than the traditional "single mining machinery manufacturing" mode, Xinhai Mining adhered to the "one-stop mineral processing service" mode since its establishment in 1997, which attracted extensive attention in the mining industry.


(Head office of Xinhai Mining)

In 2012, the whole mining industry was declined under the impact of the financial crisis. Under this serious situation, Xinhai Mining further developed the "one-stop mineral processing service" mode into "mineral processing EPC service" mode (including design and research - complete equipment for manufacturing and procurement – commissioning &debugging) by integrating the development situation and market trend at home and abroad. Xinhai mineral processing EPC service was the comprehensive one-stop mineral processing solution for each mine plant, which was rooted in the customer's needs, and made Xinhai Mining stand out at home and abroad.


Nowadays, Xinhai Mining is no longer limited to its own manufacturing transformation, but attracts many traditional manufacturing enterprises to visit and communicate, who truly plays a good demonstration role in the transformation and upgrading.


Lacking of core technology is the major pain point in the process of China's manufacturing globalization, as well as the fetter that restricts Chinese brands from occupying the high-value territory of "smile curve". With more than 20 years of development, adhering to independent innovation has been the "biggest push" for the brand construction of Xinhai Mining.


(Xinhai Mining Research & Design Test Center awarded CNAS Certification)

Xinhai Mining specially set up Xinhai Mining Research & Design Institute, which consisted of mine research institute and mine design institute, more than one hundred professional technical personnel, that was the key factor for Xinhai Mining to implement the "mineral processing EPC service" successfully. On the one hand, Xinhai Mining ungraded the existing core mineral processing equipment and ore dressing process for maximizing the benefits; On the other hand, Xinhai Mining made further research on the needs, attached importance to the "long tail demand", and developed the new mineral processing equipment pointedly to build the competitiveness of "Made in China" in the international mining market.


(3D image from Xinhai mine design institute)

With strong research technology and manufacturing strength, Xinhai Mining has a certain say in mineral processing technology, so it can go further and further on the road of building a global mineral processing brand, and realize the leap of brand value.


In the early stage of reform and opening up, Chinese manufacturing industry was once labeled as "low-end" in foreign countries, and it was even more difficult to compete with European and American brands in terms of technology and service. At the beginning, many overseas customers kept the wait-and-see attitude towards the "mineral processing EPC service" proposed by Xinhai Mining, they thought it was risky for them to deliver the whole plant to one enterprise. Through a large number of project cases, practical experience and possible problems in the overseas plant construction, Xinhai Mining explained the strength of "mineral processing EPC service" to the overseas customers.


(New finished Morocco silver ore dressing project)

From the reform and opening up, going-out strategy to nowadays "One Belt and One Road" initiative, Xinhai has been actively implement its overseas developing strategy, and successively set up its overseas offices in multiple countries. More than 500 mineral processing EPC projects and over 2000 mines served spred all over 90 countries and regions. Xinhai Mining successfully built a global mineral processing brand, which printed on the new label for "Made in China".


(Xinhai mineral processing EPC projects map)

Nowadays, the operating revenue of Xinhai Mining has set a new high, of which the revenue from overseas market accounted for eighty percentage. Xinhai Mining insisted on customizing the mineral processing EPC service for each mine, it has become the representative of "Made in China" and the business card of "One Belt and One Road".


Since "Internet +" concept put forward in 2012, Xinhai Mining quickly grasped this new economic form, and carried on "Internet +" by relying on the Internet information technology, then independently built cross-border electricity business team to make the global data integrate. What's more, Xinhai Mining established multilingual sites, and successively tried different B2B network platforms and marketing methods. Finally, it found out the most suitable overseas marketing model.


(Good Enterprise in the Integrating of Informatization and Industrialization)

Although the domestic manufacturing industry was in depression, Xinhai Mining explored a new market space with the "Internet +", which effectively improved the marketing accuracy and conversion efficiency, and promoted China's manufacturing industry from "Made in China" to "Wisdom in China".

From a little-known Chinese mining enterprise

To a high-profile global mineral processing brand

On this way

Xinhai Mining insists on independent innovation, transformation and upgrading

It is the best footnote for the spirit of reform and opening up

It is also the best weapon to meet the competition in the new era

Chinese brands is emerging

"Made in China" is changing the world!