Strengthen E-Commerce Development and Lead Industry Transformation

Strengthen E-Commerce Development and Lead Industry Transformation

2017-03-22 XinHai Views (2216)

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On February 20th, Yantai Fushan District secretary Qi Xiaoqing, secretary general Sun Shaobo visited our company with other leaders, who were received warmly by Chairman of Xinhai Zhang Yunlong, chief executive officer Han Qingwang. They held a forum in Xinhai multifunctional conference room, and had in-depth communication on integrate IT application with industrialization, main problems and future planning of cross-border e-commence development.

Fushan District secretary Qi Xiaoqing, secretary general Sun Shaobo listened to the work report of Chairman of Xinhai Zhang Yunlong.

Chairman Zhang Yunlong introduced Xinhai achievements that rely on e-commerce to secretary Qi Xiaoqing and other leaders from the main business, development model to development direction and positioning.

In recent years, Xinhai made a transformation in manufacturing enterprise service by referring on the development experience of Europe and the United States high-end manufacturing enterprises, expanded the main business from "mining equipment manufacturing" to “mineral processing EPC” that combines design and research, complete equipment manufacturing and procurement, commissioning and delivery service together, and actively expand overseas markets with the aid of electronic commerce, then established overseas offices in multiple countries, and has obtained the proud achievement.

At the same time, with further development of integrate IT application with industrialization, Xinhai constantly enrich products and services for helping traditional manufacture enterprise better proceed "Internet" innovation. At present, Xinhai has set up XINHULIAN Company, providing E-commerce consulting service and sharing transformation and upgrading experience with manufacturing enterprises in Yantai and other areas, as well as helping manufacturing enterprises get customer efficiently, increasing revenue, which can assist the development of manufacturing industry and regional economy, further promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry.

Secretary Qi Xiaoqing seriously listened to the introduction of chairman Zhang Yunlong, highly affirmed the development mode of Xinhai cross-border e-commence, encouraged Xinhai to do better in mineral processing EPC service, continue to promote the depth of integrate IT application with industrialization, and served as role models to other enterprises.

In summary, Chairman Zhang Yunlong made a simple introduction on Xinhai "overseas E-commerce strategy":

First of all, with the speeding up of global economic integration, manufacturing industry is facing a new round of industrial revolution. In this background, there is a good momentum of mining development in Africa, Central Asia, North Asia, Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Secondly, in order to better grasp the development opportunity, Xinhai will constantly rely on the Internet, explore the data, and analyze the market changes for marketing precisely, obtaining more customer resources and achieving the breakthrough in performance.

Finally, Xinhai will follow Chinese developing strategy and layout. According to the request of 13th Five Year Plan, Xinhai take an active part in international productivity and equipment manufacturing cooperation, devote to " One Belt One Road "development, and contribute our strength to the construction of Chinese manufacturing power.