
The test samples with a gold grade of 1.79 g/t were obtained after blending at a certain ratio. In the ore, only gold has recycling value, and the grades of silver, copper, lead, zinc, sulphur and iron are too low to be retrieved.
Process flow of gravity concentration +gravity tailings cyanide leaching: After raw ores are ground to -200 mesh(82.3%) and processed by gravity concentration, gravity concentrates can beretrieved, with an Au grade of 1,403.6g/t and an Au recovery rate of 54.53%.Then gravity tailings are processed by cyanide leaching. By adopting the limeas protective alkali, the Au leaching rate can achieve 93.83% under a limedosage of 5kg/t, a sodium cyanide dosage of 1kg/t and a leaching time of16-24h. The total Au recovery rate of gravity concentration + gravity tailingscyanide leaching = 54.53%+45.07%*93.83%=97.18%.
Process flow of gravity concentration +gravity tailings leaching (low-poisonous and environmental friendly reagentCNLITE): After raw ores are ground to -200 mesh (82.3%) and processed bygravity concentration, gravity concentrates can be retrieved, with an Au gradeof 1,424.6g/t and an Au recovery rate of 55.50%. Then gravity tailings areprocessed by agitation and leaching. By adopting the lime as protective alkali,the Au leaching rate can achieve 93.75% under a lime dosage of 5kg/t, a CNLITEdosage of 1kg/t and a leaching time of 16h. The total Au recovery rate canachieve 97.22%. Compared with leaching reagent of sodium cyanide, the reagentdosage and test results are almost the same.
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