

Influence from Ball Mill Model to Classifying

2015-10-20 Xinhai Views (1541)

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Grinding stage separate mineral particles to a fine size, while classifying is to group the particles which have similar size. We see grinding and classifying as a whole stage because they influence each other. Is there any influence from ball mill type to classifying?

Common grinding processes are two pieces of the whole closed loop process and two pieces of a closed circuit process.

Influence from ball mill type to two pieces of the whole closed loop process:

The first classifying machines are spiral classifier at two pieces of the whole closed loop process, while submerged spiral classifiers and hydro-cyclones are set at the second stage. Different ball mill type has a different influence on capacity and grinding particle size. If the particle size after the first grinding stage is larger, the classifying particle size will be big also which will cause the worse screening effect. If the grinding size at first stage is too fine, grinding capacity will be reduced. In order to avoid this case, we should choose the appropriate ball mill type fitting the classifying.

Influence from ball mill type to two pieces of the whole closed loop process:

Submerged spiral classifiers and hydro-cyclones are set in the two pieces of the whole closed loops process. Different ball mill type had a different influence on the processing capacity and grinding particle size. If the particle size after the first grinding stage is larger, the classifying particle size will be big also which will cause the worse screening effect. If the grinding size at first stage is too fine, grinding capacity will be reduced. In order to avoid this case, we should choose the appropriate ball mill type fitting the classifying.

Xinhai will choose the best classifiers fitting your ball mill types, together with service of solving your problems in maintenance. What you need is what we can do.



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