

Xinhai Magnetic Separation Discarding Tailings Process

2017-11-14 Xinhai Views (1571)

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Xinhai magnetic separator is widely applied in the wet magnetic separation process of magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore and ilmenite (below 3 mm), also used in iron removal of coal, non-metallic mineral and building materials. The magnetic system of Xinhai magnetic separator is made of high-quality ferrite material and rare earth magnetic steel. The average magnetic induction of cylinder is up to 100 ~ 600mT. Here we introduce Xinhai magnetic separation discarding tailings process.

Magnetic system materials of Xinhai magnetic separator adopts ferrite and NdFeB that is featured with high performance, high coercive force and high remanence. Besides, Xinhai magnetic separator is designed according to magnetic induction of minerals and actual operation analysis. It is widely applied in manganese ore, limonite, hematite, goethite, siderite, chromite, niobium, columbite-tantalite, alabandite, wolframite, ilmenorutile, itabirite ore, apatite, xenotime, olivine, renierite, ankerite, bastnasite, biotite, epidote, eytlandite, serpentine and non-metallic materials. In general, the iron ore grade will be improved by 10% to 30% with Xinhai wet magnetic separator.


Xinhai magnetic separation discarding tailings process crushes ore to 5mm or 3mm, and uses Xinhai magnetic separator for discarding tailings. The process is beneficial to energy saving and consumption reduction. It also makes good use of extremely lean iron ore and improves the quality of iron ore concentrate.

In order to develop and utilize iron ore whose grade is below 20%t, Xinhai adopts energy-saving ball mill to grind iron ore below 3 mm, then uses wet magnetic separation to discard 40% coarse-grained tailings, which improves the iron ore to 40%. Then iron concentrate is obtained after regrinding. Finally, the iron concentrate grade is up to 65%, SiO2 content is less than 4%, tailings grade is below 10%.

In addition, the mineral processing plant adopts hammer crusher- strong magnetic separation process, and -5mm processing materials account for 80%, and it can discard 30% ~ 40% coarse-grained tailings.

Xinhai magnetic separator has different magnetic design and tub structure, which can better solve the problem of ore composition and usage before mineral processing. At the same time, it has the strong adaptive capacity that can be used in match usage or alone, which is beneficial to obtain good beneficiation indexes.



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