
My Youth Dream, My African Knot

2017-05-26 XinHai Views (1925)

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In Africa, we were in the company of the hardness, but we were also in the company of the harvest; we were confused about the front way, but we also were faithful to our work.

On March 2014, with the sound of warning tone in the cabin, the plane slowly landed in the international airport in Khartoum, capital of Sudan. My life in Africa started.

Before went to Africa, my understanding about Sudan stayed in the record shows: old buses, loess road, women carried shoulder and back on their head, and those bony children who hang out streets, bony. The impression of drought, disease and conflict in Africa filled my mind with uncontrollable insecurity.


Khartoum, the capital of Sudan

I never thought a casual business trip arrangement would tightly connect me with Sudan, a country near the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Time won't treat hardworking people unfairly

There was much difficulty when we entered into this strange country, and we have prepared to overcome all of them. At that time, the mineral processing project was in the key process, so we would not only put into intense research work, but also adjust ourselves to this new environment.

In order to ensure the smooth communication, in addition to collecting project information every day, I needed to send customers feedback about new requirements of process and construction to technical department before closing time at home; In order to ensure project operation, I needed to make good use of odd moments to improve myself, including makeup project construction knowledge; In order to solve public transport in Sudan, I had to make time for the local driving licence...

For a long time, I kept this station that "open eyes then go to work and close eyes then get off work ". Although I paid more efforts and time than at home, I believed that time won't treat hardworking people unfairly. After a period of time, I also guaranteed the normal operation of Sudan office.

After discussed each detail with clients, the formal construction of this project was finally launched in 2014, after. As a whole, the whole thing went smoothly, from production, packaging and shipment to site installation and debugging, and everything was done in an orderly manner.

Time flied so fast. With New Year's approaching, the project construction had come to end. In order not to delay the operating plan, our construction team determined to give up the arrangement of going home for the holiday and ushered the first New Year's eve abroad.

▼ Our construction team celebrated the Spring Festival abroad in a special way



After a few months of efforts, Sudan 700T/D gold project was debugged finally, and we had a good job to our clients.

▼ With the effort of day and night, we successfully delivered the mineral processing project to our clients


Communication and persistence

Although the pace of African people's life was relatively slow, the project did not allow us to keep slow pace. From planning, implementation to delivery, everyone of Xinhai team focused on this project completely, sometimes we had to wok all time, which was severe test for mental and physical.

In October 2015, after a month of effort in Sudan, decision-making of Sudan 300 TPD gold project finally decided to visit Xinhai a