
The gold, copper, lead and arsenic grades of raw ore sample are respectively 4.89g/t, 0.02%, 0.01% and 0.23%. The test aimed to recycle Au comprehensively.
Gravity concentration process flow on rawore: After raw ores were ground to -200 meshes (80%), gravity concentrates wereretrieved with a yield of 0.16%, gold grade of 536.83g/t and gold recovery rateof 18.36%. There was no visible gold particles in gravity concentrates.Therefore, the Au in raw ore cannot be effectively recovered through gravityconcentration.
All-slime cyanide leaching process flow onraw ore: After raw ores were ground to -325 meshes (90%), lime (protectivealkali) and sodium cyanide (leaching agent) were added successively, and thenagitation and leaching were conducted. Under conditions of slurry concentrationof 40%, lime dosage of 6kg/t, sodium cyanide dosage of 3kg/t and leaching timeof 48h, the recovery rate of gold was 91.62%-91.82%.
After carbon adsorptionand electrolysis, the recovery rate of Au was 91.31-91.61%. If the washing rate* smelting recovery rate = 97.0% * 99.5%, the total recovery rate of Au was88.13-88.33%.
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