
Types and Application of Magnetic Equipment in Mineral Processing

2020-04-15 XinHai Views (2145)

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Magnetic separation is a common mineral processing method, which realizes the separation in the uneven magnetic field of magnetic equipment according to the magnetic differences among various minerals. Therefore, it is very important to select suitable magnetic equipment to achieve the ideal magnetic separation effect. Here are the types and applications of magnetic equipment in mineral processing.

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011. Types of magnetic equipment

In recent years, magnetic equipment has been developed rapidly, and became larger in equipment scale and diversified in structure form. There is various magnetic equipment structure, so the classification methods are also diverse.

(1) According to the different bearing medium, the magnetic equipment is divided into dry magnetic equipment and wet magnetic equipment. Dry magnetic equipment completes the magnetic separation in the air, while the wet magnetic equipment finishes the magnetic separation work in the water or magnetic liquid;

(2) According to the magnetic intensity of magnetic equipment, the magnetic equipment is divided into weak magnetic equipment and strong magnetic equipment.

(3) According to the method of generating a magnetic field, the magnetic equipment can be divided into permanent magnetic equipment, electromagnetic separator and superconducting type magnetic equipment.


022. Applications of the magnetic equipment

Magnetic separation is widely used for the separation of ferrous metals non-ferrous metals and rare metals. Due to the different characteristics of each ore, the application of magnetic equipment is also different.

1. Low-intensity magnetic equipment

The low-intensity magnetic equipment is mainly used for the separation of magnetite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite and other highly magnetic minerals, which can be divided into and wet magnetic equipment.

Dry low-intensity magnetic equipment is mainly used for the enrichment of fine grade strong magnetic ore and the remove the iron scrap and strong magnetic impurities from the material, and it is often used for the pre-separation of strong magnetic minerals.

Wet low-intensity magnetic equipment is divided into electromagnetic magnetic equipment and permanent magnetic equipment. In the early stage, the electromagnetic wet low-intensity magnetic equipment was mostly used for iron removal, and then it was gradually replaced by permanent low-intensity magnetic equipment. It is mainly used for the separation of fine-grained minerals, especially the concentration of strong magnetic fine-grained minerals.


2. High-intensity magnetic equipment

High-intensity magnetic equipment adopts the closed magnetic system and a certain shape of induction magnetic pole or magnetic medium, and produce the strong magnetic field force in its separation zone, to effectively separate weak magnetic minerals. It is mainly used for the separation of limonite, manganese ore, red mud ore and other weakly magnetic minerals and iron removal of non-metallic ore. According to the working form, the high-intensity magnetic equipment can be divided into dry type and wet type. Dry high-intensity magnetic equipment is divided into disc type magnetic equipment, roller type magnetic equipment and drum-type magnetic equipment. The lower limit of feed size of wet high-intensity magnetic equipment can be very fine, especially suitable for separation of weakly magnetic minerals with higher dissociation requirements.

3. High gradient magnetic equipment

High gradient magnetic equipment is a new type of magnetic separation equipment. The magnetic field force and the processing ability of magnetic equipment are improved through the interaction of magnetic medium and particles, which is mainly used to the separation of fine mineral and refractory ore.

For the magnetic structure of high gradient magnetic equipment, the steel wool (fibrous) magnetic medium and iron cladding device combine in the spiral tube uniform magnetic field, resulting in a high gradient uneven magnetic field, which can effectively separate the weak magnetic fine particles that are difficult to separate by the general magnetic equipment, and greatly reduce the lower limit of the size of separation. There are two types of high gradient magnetic equipment, including electromagnetic magnetic equipment and permanent magnetic equipment.

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