The Classification of Flotation-Agitation Tank

The Classification of Flotation-Agitation Tank

2015-11-12 XinHai Views (1780)

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The agitation tank is the necessary  equipment in the production process of flotation with single tank. The  agitation tank can be divided into slurry agitation tank, lifting agitation  tank, reagent agitation tank and deposit agitation tank according to the  different applications. The following introduce the agitation tank with  different application.

Use the table of contents below to navigate through the guide:

011. Slurry Agitation Tank

The slurry agitation tank is mainly used  for agitating slurry before the flotation process, its main function is to make  the suspension of the mineral particles in the slurry, and make the mineral  particles fully mix with the reagent to create the conditions for the latter  classification process. The slurry agitation tank can be used as the  pre-desilication tank, dissolution tank, washing tank removal and seed  precipitator tank, etc. in the production of alumina. It can use the similar  processes in other industries. 

022. The lifting agitation tank

The lifting agitation tank not only has the  agitation function for slurry, but also has the lifting function. The lifting  height can reach to 1.2meters. The lifting agitation tank can be used when the  equipment configuration leads to the shortage of the slurry flow dispersion or  the short distance dispersion that is unsuitable for convening slurry with  pump.

033. The reagent agitation tank

The reagent agitation tank is applied to  the preparation operation of all kinds of reagents of flotation mill. The  natures of different reagents and the different requiring suspension degree  decides the different structures of flotation tank. The agitation of the  moderate and minimal suspension not only can adopt the circulating tube  structure, but also can select the multiple impeller structure, and the higher  rotating speed of impeller is needed. The high concentration agitation tank  needs to enlarge the impeller diameter and the circulating tube diameter.

044.The depositing agitation tank

The depositing agitation tank is mainly  used for pulp agitation and storage, it is not only be widely used in the  concentration plant, but also used in the pipeline transportation of the other  ferrous and nonferrous metals concentrating slurry and coal slurry.

Thanks to the simple, structure, convenient  operation, Xinhai flotation-agitation tank has won high reputation among the  customers.

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