Gravity Separating and CIP Plant

150t/d Gold Ore in Tanzania - Cost Analysis of Gravity Separating and CIP Plant

2017-12-15 XinHai Views (2330)

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01Cost-benefit Analysis of 150t/d Gold Ore Plant in Tanzania

It’s advisable that the ore veins of Tanzania NHM Company adopt the waste-lifting stoping mining methods. The ore bodies of different thicknesses have many similarities in the technology of waste-lifting stoping; and the labor and material costs that every mining cycle consumes are basically the same. The difference is that ore capacity from ore bodies of different thicknesses. Therefore, for the ore bodies with different thicknesses, we first count the labor and material costs of the sum of per ton ore and waste rock by the mining range of 1.1 m, and then calculate the mining costs of ore bodies with different thicknesses according to the ore capacity obtained by each mining cycle. The mining cost composition of NHM Company adopting the technology of waste-lifting stoping as follow:

No.Cost ItemsUnitUnit ConsumptionUnit Price
Unit Cost
IAccessory Material    
 Flash Detonatorpiece0.680.40.27
 Blasting Fuse1.80.450.8
 Drilling Bitpiece0.0250.1
 Drill SteelKg0.062.80.17
 Others   0.81
 Sub-Total   4.55
IIPower Consumption    
IIIWages of production workers   10.5
IVOre + rock direct operating costs  I + II +III17.15
VOre + rock management costs   8.1
VIOre + rock construction team contracting profit  (IV + V)×20%5.05
VIIMining workshop manufacturing cost    
 Actual thickness of mineral vein:0.75m   30.3
VIIIApportion cost   9.7
 Mining cost   4.5
 Once lifting   2.4
 Transportation cost   0.32
 Draining cost   0.28
 Ventilating    cost   0.3
 others   0.3
 Safety fee   1.6
IXTotal cost of mining   40

02Mineral processing costs of 150t/d Gold Ore Plant in Tanzania

ItemsUnitUnit Consumption/tonsUnit Price
Unit Cost
Total consumption of a yearTotal costs
       (Thousand    USD)
IAccessory Material   3.47 156.3
1Adhesive Tapem20.00350.0151350.7
2Liner Platekg0.401.670.6718t30
3Steel Ballkg1.501.33267.5t90
4Engine Oilkg0.053.330.172.25t7.5
6Filter Clothm20.035.830.1713507.9
7Active Charcoalkg0.20.920.189t8.2
IIPower Consumption   41.6 1872
IIIReagents   5.17 232.5
1LimeKg4.000.170.67 30
2NaCNKg1.5034.5 202.5
IVWagesUSD/person.year 24.44 1100
VFinance and othersRNB  0.25 11.3
 Total   74.93 3372.1

03Total Costs of 150t/d Gold Ore Plant in Tanzania

According to the above calculation of mining and dressing costs, the unit overall cost of eachmining and dressing is about 114.93 dollars per ton and the annual total costs is about 5,172,100 dollars

04Sales Revenue of 150t/d Gold Ore Plant in Tanzania

For this design, referring to the preliminary test preparation, the recovery rate of gravity separation is 50%; the gold leaching rate is 96.87%; the loss of the gold-melting Electric technology is 2% and the recovery rate of gold-smelting is 98%. Given the above data, the total recovery rate is(50%+50%*96.87%*98%)*98%=95.52%, namely, annually recovering 866.1kg gold.

If the sale price of gold is 35 dollars per gram, the annual sales revenue is about 30,313,500 dollars, tax without consideration.

05Profits of 150t/d Gold Ore Plant in Tanzania

In light of the above data, we can estimate that the annual return is 25,141,400 dollars and the profit of a unit of raw ore is 558.7 dollars per ton.

These data in this cost-benefit analysis are all pre-tax information, you can calculate the after-tax ones by yourself in accordance with local tax condition.