
Gold Gravity Separation Machines of Xinhai

2015-12-21 XinHai Views (1621)

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Because of the existence of monomer gold, the most practical and economical way of gold mine mining is gravity separation. In this article, we will introduce gravity separation briefly, such as shaking table, and some gold concentrate machine.

Gold separating mining process machine includes jigger, shaking table and chute, centrifugal separator and KXT jigger. We introduce the gold mine mining process machines.

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01Chute Introduction

Chute can be divided into a fixed chute, Longjiang I chute, drum-driven chute and rubber belt mover chute in the gold mine mining machine. Fixed chute has a simple structure, no drive, low cost, simple operation. Longjiang I chute has a bigger capacity and easy operation. Drum-drive chute is light, reliable and easy to maintenance. Rubber belt chute could ensure recovery of fine gold grain.

02Gold Gravity Machine Introduction

Centrifugal gravity machines have portable gold concentrate machines, centrifugal disk gold separating machines, washing pan and STL water gold mining machines. Curved gold mining machines are commonly used in south China. KXT jigger is used in gold, iron, and tungsten. Xinhai has received great appraise from overseas and domestic gold mining clients.